Google+ 101 Things In 1001 Days. |Photographed Obsessions Skimlinks Test

Monday 9 June 2014

101 Things In 1001 Days.

After writing so so many lists on goals that I needed and wanted to accomplish, and never really having the motivation, I found a list called the '101 things in 1001 days'. To me this seemed the perfect amount of time, 2.75 years to complete 101 goals. Im excited to do this list of goals. I want to share with you my list of goals, and my journey through completing this list. :)

Start date: June 9th, 2014.
End date: March 6th, 2017.

Goals with strikes through them are completed. 

1. Go 2 months without buying any unnecessary items. [0/60]
2. Cut out fast food for 1 month. [0/30]
3. Take 1 picture everyday for 2 months. [0/30]
4. Learn 5 new skills. [0/5]
5. Drink nothing but water for 1 week each month. [0/33]
6. Go on 5 road trips. [0/5]
7. Witness a sunset and sunrise in the same night.
8. Create a university scrapbook.
9. Donate money to a non-profit organisation.
10. Clean my room and maintain it for 2 months. [0/60]
11. Leave my initials on every money note i have.
12. Watch a shooting star.
13. Discover 15 things I like and love about myself. [0/15]
14. Watch a stand-up comedian in person.
15. Donate blood.
16. Tie-dye 20 items. [0/20]
17. Run/walk for a cause.
18. Save £5 for every task completed. [£0/£505]
19. Draw a star in 50 places and photograph. [0/50]
20. Whiten my teeth and maintain.
21. Make a completely homemade pie.
22. Go on a picnic.
23. Develop habit: Don't let clothes pile up on the floor.
24. Write a letter for myself when the 1001 days are over.
25. Create a dream board of things that I desire in life.
26. Complete '50 questions that will free your mind'.
27. Watch the nominated movies from the year I was born - 1994.
28. Fill a sketchbook with drawings.
29. Bake cookies from scratch.
30. Keep a 'My day in six words' journal for 2 months. [0/60]
31. Take a self portrait every week for a year. [0/365]
34. Complete university with a 2:1 or higher.
35. Complete my university dissertation with 2:1 or higher.
36. Enhance skills for After Effects.
37. Enhance skills on web-design and Dreamweaver.
38. Enhance skills on Photoshop and Illustrator.
39. Create a recipe book with at least 20 of my favourite recipes and cook them. [0/20]
40. Send my mum surprise flowers while I'm away at university.
41. Do at least one DIY project a week. [5/143] - DIY Boyfriends Gifts, DIY Quote In A Frame,  DIY Key Covers, DIY In A Frame, DIY Journal.
42. Create 10 DIY home decor projects found on pintrest to decorate new house. [2/10] - Quote In A Frame, DIY In A Frame.
43. Move into a house or flat with my boyfriend.
44. Do a new blog post everyday for a year (monday-friday), and carry on after that.
45. Create blog posts about goals that I complete. [0/101]
46. Find out my blood type.
47. Get a new tattoo.
48. Find 10 new ways to style my hair. [2/10] - Plait Fringe, Messy Bun.
49. Complete all episodes of Breaking Bad.
50. Complete all episodes of a TV series that I haven't already watched.
51. Get 100 views on my blog in one day. [61/100]
52. Donate all clothes that I haven't worn in the last year.
53. Maintain my fish tank.
54. Research into getting an Axolotl.
55. Take all vitamins daily for a month. [0/30]
56. Complete the Bootea 14 day Teatox and review on my blog.
57. Grow my own tomatoes successfully.
58. Create a terrarium. 
59. Create my own personal brand - logo, business cards etc.
60. Be proud to show my work at my third year exhibition.
61. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a month. [15/30]
62. Read 5 books. (I'm not much of a reader so I'll struggle with this one!) [0/5]
63. Go to dentist.
64. Go to opticians. 
65. Keep my fingernails and toenails nicely painted.
66. Eat vegetarian for a week. [0/7]
67. Eat gluten-free for a week & maintain if I enjoy it. [0/7]
68. Write a list of 101 things that make me happy and share on my blog. [0/101]
69. Bake bread from scratch.
70. Go on holiday abroad.
71. Get a passport.
72. Get a summer job.
73. Get a job in my career path after I finish university.
74. Create a memory jar for each year (starting late for 2014). [0/3]
75. Learn basic sign language.
76. Make a budget and stick to it.
77. Sell something on etsy.
78. Save early for christmas.
79. Ride in a boat.
80. Complete a colouring book.
81. Go to 3 concerts. [0/3]
82. Have ago on the back of my boyfriends motorbike/dirtbike.
83. Go to the zoo.
84. Go on a date with my boyfriend at least once a month. [0/33]
85. Back up all files on my laptop onto an external hardrive.
86. Swim in the ocean.
87. Buy a disposable camera and take 1 photo a day until the film runs out. [0/24]
88. Stop smoking(!!!).
89. Watch 10 documentaries that link with my career path. [0/10]
90. Eat a piece of fruit for or with breakfast everyday for a month. [5/30]
91. Try 5 new types of food. [0/5]
92. Keep a smile on my face for an entire day.
93. Discover 15 things I like about myself. [0/15]
94. Find a good skin care routine and stick to it (3 months minimum). [0/91]
95. Do 20 sit-ups/push-ups everyday for 1 week. [0/7]
96. Comment on 20 random blogs. [3/20]
97. Have 20 followers. [0/20]
98. Start an all about me scrapbook.
99. Get ads on my blog(?).
100. Write a contacts book with peoples birthdays in it as well.
101. Complete all 101 goals!! [0/101]

I hope that this inspires some of you to create your own 101 Things In 101 Days :)

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